What to plant next to the hydrangea ?
When you ask question what to plant next to the hydrangea, there are a few different things you can do. One option is to plant something that will grow in height and provide some much-needed shade for the hydrangea.
A good option for this is a perennial vine, such as clematis or wisteria. Another option is to plant another type of shrub that will grow in size and complements the hydrangea’s color. For example, if you have a pink hydrangea, you could plant a blueberry bush next to it.

Finally, if you want to keep your flower bed simple, you can always plant additional perennials around the hydrangea. Some good options include hostas, daylilies, and black-eyed Susans.
Which flowers to plant next to the hydrangea?
Hydrangeas usually can grow next to perennials, creating multicolored flower beds containing various types of leaves and flowers. Hydrangeas look attractive adjacent to Astilbe flowers, peonies, Artemisia, Aquilegia, Sedum hybridum.
Such compositions can be supplemented with common ivy, daylilies, and Carolingian yucca. In addition to hydrangeas, it is worth planting spring-flowering perennials, including heart-shaped bergenia, anemones, or Japanese primrose.
To add lightness to the composition, it is good to plant ornamental grasses near the hydrangea shrubs, e.g. miscanthus (Miscanthus), fescue (Festuca), Stipa (Stipa), spikelets (Holcus) or turf daredevil (Deschmpsia caespitosa).
With hydrangeas, we can create rustic-style rebates by planting goldenrod (Solidago), hearts (Dicentra), geraniums (Geranium), Aruncus aethusifolius, pasque-flower (Pulsatilla) and jasmine (Lamium) next to them.
As borders around hydrangeas we can plant many species of annual plants, e.g. impatiens (Impatiens), constantly flowering begonias (Begonia semperflorens), erected marigolds (Tagetes erecta), sage (Salvia), levonias (Matthiola incana), Mexican marigolds (Ageratum boustonan) ) or cosmos (cosmos).
What shrubs to plant next to the hydrangea?
Various deciduous shrubs can be planted next to the hydrangea. They can be easily combined with hydrangeas in a variety of compositions, in which individual elements differ from each other in the shape of flowers, flowering time, as well as the color and form of foliage.
Next to hydrangeas, in sunny beds, roses (Rosa), barberries (Berberis), veins (Deutzia), Buddleja davidii and almonds (Prunus riloba) look beautiful.
On the other hand, in shaded areas next to hydrangeas, shade-loving shrubs such as boxwood (Buxus), holly (Ilex), Fortune’s euonymus (Euonymus fortunei), weigela florida, white dogwood (Cornus alba) – varieties variegated ‘Sibirica’, ‘Variegata’, ‘Spaethii’, ‘Gouchaultii’, elderberry (Sambucus nigra) and Japanese rune (Pachysandra terminalis).

Very good company for hydrangeas are shrubs from the heather family (Ericaceae), i.e. rhododendrons and garden azaleas (Rhododendron), Japanese pieris (Pieris japonica) and laurel branch (Leucothoe fontanesiana).
What conifers to plant next to the hydrangea?
Conifers are often planted next to hydrangeas. Good backgrounds for hydrangeas are junipers (Juniperus), yews (Taxus), blue spruce (Picea pungens), Serbian spruce (Picea omorika), Bosnian pine (Pinus heldreichii), Japanese pine (Pinus densiflora), cypress trees (Chamaecyparis) Thuja).
Conifers in columnar or stump grafted forms are the best choice. Creeping varieties can become overgrown and suppressed by the rapidly growing hydrangea bush.