Do hydrangeas grow fast?
There is no simple answer to this question. It depends on the climate and soil conditions where the hydrangea is growing. In general, though, hydrangeas can grow quite quickly in temperate climates. It may take a bit longer to establish themselves in drier or wetter climates. Let’s try and answer question: Do Hydrangeas grow fast?

How fast hydrangea grow in sand ?
Hydrangeas like sandy soil that has good drainage. If the soil is too moist, the roots will rot. In order to create a sandy soil for your hydrangeas, mix one part potting soil with two parts sharp sand.
Since hydranages like sandy soil with good drainage, they will grow quickly in sand. In fact, they may even outgrow slower growing plants in the same area.
How fast hydrangea grow in clay soil?
Hydrangeas can be grown in a variety of soils, but they thrive in clay soil. Clay soil is rich in minerals and moisture, which hydrangeas need to grow healthy and strong. While the growth rate of hydrangeas may vary depending on the type of soil, they typically grow 1-2 feet per year in clay soil.
In what climate do hydrangeas grow fast?
Hydrangea are a beautiful addition to any garden, but can be difficult to keep alive in some climates. In areas with hot summers and mild winters, hydrangeas will grow quickly and bloom abundantly. In areas with colder winters or hotter summers, the plants may not grow as well or flower as heavily.
How fast hydrangea grow in hot climate?
Hydrangeas can grow in a variety of climates. In hot climates, they can grow relatively quickly, depending on the type of hydrangea. For example, bigleaf hydrangeas can grow up to 2 feet per year in the right conditions. By contrast, oakleaf hydrangeas only grow about 12 inches per year in hot climates.

How fast hydrangea grow in cold climate?
While there is no definitive answer to how fast hydrangea grow in cold climate, it is generally agreed that they grow at a slower rate than they do in warmer climates. This is likely due to the fact that colder climates tend to be more humid, and hydrangeas need a certain amount of humidity to thrive. Additionally, the shorter days of winter can also limit their growth.
How to protect hydrangea in winter?
In conclusion, hydrangeas are relatively easy plant to care for and can provide years of enjoyment. If you are looking for a flowering shrub that is low maintenance and will grow in most climates, then hydrangeas are a good option to consider.