
How to repair holes in the lawn ?

A beautiful lawn is the dream of every house or plot owner. It represents and separates the zones in the garden, and in the right shape it expands the space. Sometimes, however, the lawn has unsightly holes, gray patches of dry grass and bald patches that spoil the appearance of the turf and our mood. Read on to find out how to repair holes in the lawn?

Lawn holes appear for several reasons. The grass freezes in winter, drought, flooding after rainfall are factors that quickly thin our lawn. Snow mold, excessive moss and interference by animals – dogs, moles or cats – are no less dangerous for the lawn. All this makes losses in turf the bane of almost every lawn owner.

FOX at Pexels

Of course, you can sow the grass in a traditional way or try to cut pieces of ready-made grass from the roll. However, if you want to be sure of the expected effect and it is to last for years, it is worth reaching for a special self-compacting grass.

This unique species of grass will not only perfectly solve the problem of holes in the lawn, but also prevent the re-formation of losses in the turf.

In order to understand why the proposed self-compacting grass produces better results than ordinary grasses traditionally used, you must first understand how holes form in the lawn.

How holes in the lawn form?

Well, when you start a new lawn, each seed has a chance to grow no more than one tuft of grass. If you have sown the right amount of seeds evenly and most of them have sprouted, you’ll get a compact, dense turf. Tufts of grass may get larger over time, but their number will not increase by itself.

Grass Forest Ground Grassy  - shanukabeer / Pixabay
shanukabeer / Pixabay

Unfortunately, over time, due to various unfavorable factors, some grass tufts turn yellow, dry up, and finally die completely. These are where holes are formed in the turf, and the entire lawn gets thinner over time.

Then there is no other way than to sow new grass seeds in the place of the resulting losses. New grass will grow in these areas, but this will not stop it from recurring in the same or different parts of the lawn. So you have to fertilize over and over again, and the lawn still does not look perfect.

What kind of grass will perfectly fill the holes in the lawn?

You will achieve much better results by sowing a special self-compacting grass, intended for the regeneration of damaged lawns. This fantastic grass has a certain ability that other grasses traditionally used for establishing lawns do not have.

Well, the self-compacting grass produces stolons (underground rhizomes) through which it grows. New tufts of grass grow next to the released runners, and their number is constantly increasing. Thanks to this, you can obtain an exceptionally dense lawn without the need to re-seed.

Even if some tufts of grass die due to unfavorable conditions, new tufts of grass will grow thanks to the underground self-compacting grass to replace the drying ones. After sowing self-compacting grass, you’ll have a lawn that is capable of self-regeneration and becomes denser over time. Without the need for additional seedings. The pictures below show the effect of the lawn’s self-compaction.

How to get a quick seeding effect?

First of all, self-compacting grass goes through winter much better than traditional lawns. Grass will look much better in spring than any other varieties.

Kellie Churchman at Pexels

Moreover, self-compacting grass germinates 2 times faster than traditional grasses (emergence can be expected after 7 days instead of 14). Therefore, you will notice the effect of overseeding with self-compacting grass much faster.

Self-compacting grass has the ability to germinate at temperatures 2-4 ° C lower than ordinary grasses. This allows sowing it in early spring, in less favorable weather conditions. When it warms up, you will have our lawn ready, while traditional grass has just started to sprout.

Good to know!
Self-compacting grass seeds do not need to be sown as densely as regular grass. Over time, the grass produces rhizomes and the lawn will self-thicken. This makes self compacting grass about 25% more efficient than regular grass.

In summary, by filling the holes in the lawn with self-compacting grass, you gain the following benefits:

  • The seeding effect can be seen much faster
  • The resulting lawn is very dense and resistant to adverse conditions
  • Grass has the ability to regenerate itself and becomes more dense over time
  • you avoid the need to perform further seedings in the future

While taking advantage of all these positives of self-compacting grass, you must remember about regular lawn care. Self-compacting grass, like any other grass, requires watering, mowing and fertilizing.

With proper care, however, it allows for a much nicer and denser turf compared to regular grass. And when you apply it, the holes in the lawn will disappear in no time!

A proven method for a dense and lush green lawn.

A lawn as thick as a carpet, resistant to trampling and unfavorable conditions, which will retain its attractive appearance for many years – is a dream of many garden owners. Unfortunately, only a dream. Because most lawns lose their qualities over time, thinning or turning yellow.

Numerous care treatments, additional fertilization and seeding are all for nothing. If you also have this problem, find out about the solution that will make your lawn beautiful, dense and intensely green again.

What is the phenomenon of self-compacting grass?

The unique self-compacting grass that thickens by rhizomes is ryegrass. Until now, it has been used only on professional football pitches or golf courses.

Football Sport Ball Grass Rush  - planet_fox / Pixabay
planet_fox / Pixabay

The special grass variety is the result of a 16-year research program in which, out of a million shoots, several hundred of the strongest and most resistant were selected and subjected to further work.

As a result, a new subspecies of grass was created, forming stolons – laterally developing rhizomes. This grass grows much more intensively, creating a network of rhizomes that strongly bind the entire turf. This type of grass is characterized by high resistance and durability, it shows the ability to regenerate itself in case of damage.

What will I gain by sowing self-compacting grass?

  1. Lawn self-compaction through rhizomes

Self-compacting grass forms a dense, natural network of rhizomes that grow to the sides, from which new clumps of grass grow. In this way, the self-compaction process takes place, and the grass quickly covers free areas and voids.

  1. High resistance and self regeneration of the lawn

You can forget about the numerous treatments aimed at regenerating the lawn, because the self-compacting grass shows a high resistance of the lawn to intense trampling and use. Moreover, any damage to the turf stimulates the grass to branch out and regenerate itself.

  1. The effect of a beautiful lawn for many years

The rapid and intensive growth of self-compacting grass causes the lawn to constantly rejuvenate, making it look fresh for years. The damaged fragments of turf quickly grow back.

  1. No more weed control and herbicide spraying

Thanks to its rapid growth and the self-compaction process by the rhizomes, the self-compacting grass does not allow for the growth of weeds. This reduces the need for herbicides and other herbicidal treatments.

  1. Fast results

Compared to most grasses available on the market, self-compacting grass germinates at temperatures 2-4 ° C lower than ordinary grasses and sprouts much faster – after just 7 days (most grasses after 14 days on average). Sowing can therefore be done earlier and in less favorable weather conditions. This allows us to enjoy a beautiful lawn from early spring. The effect is always very fast after sowing a new lawn or fertilizing an existing one.

How to use self compacting grass?

Self-compacting grass can be used when setting up a new lawn, as well as seeding an already existing lawn. In the latter case, it will ensure even coverage of the entire surface with turf, compaction and quick regeneration of the lawn.

Good to know!
Self-compacting grass seeds do not need to be sown as densely as regular grass. Over time, the grass produces rhizomes and the lawn will self-thicken. This makes self compacting grass about 25% more efficient than regular grass.

Self-compacting grass is not only a way to beautiful lawn.
You will also save time and money!

At first glance, self-compacting grass may seem quite expensive. And it is true, comparing the price of 1 kg of self-compacting grass seeds with the prices of different qualities of ordinary grass, self-compacting grass may seem the most expensive. However, when comparing prices, it is worth paying attention to these factors:

  1. When setting up a lawn from scratch, 1 kg of self-compacting grass is enough to sow 50m² of lawn (while 1 kg of regular grass is usually only enough for 40m²). So you can buy self-compacting grass about 1/4 less than regular grass (e.g. 150m² of lawn instead of 4 kg of regular grass, it is enough to buy 3 kg of self-compacting grass). If you perform additional seeding in order to compact the turf, 1 kg of self-compacting grass is enough for 100m² !!!
  2. The grass will compact itself. In the future, it will not be necessary to purchase additional packages for seeding. Once established, the lawn will serve for years!
  3. Self-compacting grass displaces weeds by thickening by runners. Thanks to this, you can reduce or completely abandon the use of herbicides.

Among the available self-compacting grass seeds you can choose from several types:

  • universal, ideal for home lawns (1 kg and 3 kg packages)
  • sports, for intensively used areas (1 kg and 3 kg packages)
  • regenerative, for seeding of existing lawns (0.25 kg, 1 kg and 3 kg packages)

In each type of self-thickening grass, you find the seeds of the same fantastic grass that thickens through the stolons.

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