Tomato Nettle Fertilizer: Recipe, Preparation, and Application

Tomato Nettle Fertilizer: Recipe, Preparation, and Application

Tomato Nettle Fertilizer: Recipe, Preparation, and Application Tomato nettle fertilizer is a natural and cost-effective solution for enhancing the growth and productivity of tomato plants. This organic fertilizer is derived from nettles, a common weed found in many regions. Nettle…

Fertilizing plants in the fall

Fertilizing plants in the fall

Fertilizing plants in the fall In late autumn, summer and early autumn crops disappear from the plots. It is good idea to start the preparations for the next growing season. Find out what are the benefits of fertilizing plants in…

Banana fertilizer. How to make and use?

Banana fertilizer. How to make and use?

Banana fertilizer. How to make and use? Banana fertilizer – more precisely from it’s peel, is a great way to provide plants with phosphorus and potassium. These elements have a beneficial effect on the flowering and health of garden plants,…

Acidify soil at home

Acidify soil at home

Acidify soil at home Many house and garden plants that we like are acidophilic plants. They must be planted in acid soil. Learn how to acidify soil at home. Before you reach for mineral fertilizers, it is worth considering natural…

10 home fertilizers for garden and potted plants

10 home fertilizers for garden and potted plants

10 home fertilizers for garden and potted plants Home fertilizers are an excellent alternative to mineral fertilizers available in stores. By using kitchen waste, you can easily prepare valuable home fertilizer and save a lot of money. 1. Banana peels…